Friday, November 7, 2008

Be knowledgeable people!

I have been bombarded with negative things about Obama by Mccain supporters. While I can understand the disappointment these people feel and respect there need to "grieve", I am appalled by some of the things they are actually saying. I am troubled by peoples basic lack of knowledge and their ignorance. It is one thing to have differing opinions rooted in ideological difference because that supports healthy discussion, but it is quite another to spout lies and bigotry. There were many things said that were untrue by the Mccain camp about Barack Obama, like he is a Muslim, unpatriotic, and a Socialist. I am shocked at the ignorance of his supporters who actually believe these things. All they would need to do is research facts from non partisan groups to know that these accusations are absurd and not true. Instead these people create arguments that are in no way rooted in fact. If you disagree with the President elect in his policies, then by all means express those opinions while using examples from his actual policies. Instead people are using unsound arguments that are rooted in slander and lies. Not everyone is going to like or agree with any given President, heaven knows 80% of Americans don't agree with Bush. But you need to articulate your point with the truth about your ideological differences and not participate in this pathetic attempt to accuse our next President of being a Socialist.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Barack Obama

This was such a historic election, the record turnout and the election of the first African American President. This election was an example of democracy at its best. The citizens spoke clearly and decisively in favor of Obama. Now of course not everyone will be happy about his nomination, but I believe every American should feel some pride in our country for how far we have come. Obama's victory speech was moving and inspirational. He reached out to people who did not vote for him and vowed an administration that is for all Americans not just those who voted for him. He is a transformative firgure who has inspired the world, as well as Americans. He represents the progress and change that Americans seek.

Monday, November 3, 2008

There is not liberal America and conservative America- There is the United States of America

It all comes down to this. The nearly two years of campaigning, all the mudslinging and speeches will all be worth it for one candidate come tomorrow. This campaign season has shown politics at its worst and at its best. We had moments of angry and false rhetoric in hope of gaining the upper hand. But what I think I will take most from this campaign season will be the moments of inspiration. Whether is be the beautiful inspiring words from Barack Obama's yes we can speech, or whether it be the record turnout we all saw in the primaries and in early voting, this campaign has inspired so many people. People have grown so tired of politicians who inspire nothing but pessimism in the the American spirit. So when Obama offered up a choice for real change and hope, it inspired all Americans to come out in record numbers. Obama has received criticism about his rhetoric. I say, since when is it a bad thing to inspire people? Some of the greatest leaders of our countries have inspired people by using words. This is exactly someone we need in this pivotal moment in our history, A trans formative figure who can inspire Americans into a new era of America. A era where all Americans are united- no matter your race, gender, class, or political affiliation. An era where we can believe in the American dream once again and everyone has the potential to do what they aspire to. A dream that tells a black little girl that she could one day become President. A dream that if you work hard enough you, you can achieve anything. Once this happens Americans will be able to take on all the problems which face our country and change the world for the better.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Make a difference and VOTE

AFF Vote Pictures, Images and Photos

"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote"
-William Simon

I am one of those firm believers that everyone should vote. I believe its your civic duty. To the people who say that their vote does not matter, I can relate I am a Democrat in arguably the reddest state in America, Utah. I wonder if all the people who use this excuse not to vote, actually voted, what kind of change we could see. Your vote does matter, it gives you a voice. I think our forefathers, civil rights leaders, and woman's suffrage leaders would be truly disgusted with our current voter turnout. People need to know their history in order to respect it. People in history have struggled, been persecuted, and killed for every Americans right to vote. Yet, we have been a country of apathy. We cannot take for granted the rights that people before have fought and died for. No matter what your political affiliation, you must vote! Make your voice heard and be a part of history on NOV. 4. If you cant make it on the 4th, vote early, no more excuses! Find your polling place and VOTE!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Terrorism, Socialism, and Islam

Obama is inches away from the finish line in the Presidential election. The last couple of months of John Mccain's campaign has been one of desperation. However, the last two weeks his campaign has been down right despicable. His campaign feels the only chance they have in this election is to play on the seed of fear and hate that resides in many people. First, they linked him to 1960's domestic terrorist William Ayers. Dropping lines like "Obama is Pallin' around with terrorists", to raise doubt about Obama's character. When Sarah Palin is up there stumping innuendos about Obama's faith and relationships, are they really surprised as to what kind of response they get? With these words of intolerance they have incited a mob that is flirting with a thin line that could lead to violence. They have fueled misconceptions about Obama's faith, his patriotism, even his citizenship. It is appalling the kinds of things being said by Mccain supporters at his rallies. When polling showed that the majority of people do not like the Ayers references because they are too worried about the economic crisis the Mccain camp moves on to just as detrimental rhetoric. Their newest tactic in provoking fear is calling Obama a Socialist. A Socialist? Really? I think someone may need to let John Mccain know this is not the 1950's, McCarthyism is dead. We don't do the Communist witch hunts in America anymore, well at least I thought we didn't. John Mccain had a choice and his choice was whether to end this campaign with at least a smidgen of integrity in tact. He has chosen politics above all else. He is going to end this campaign with lies and insinuations of things that are truly disturbing to suggest about a United States Senator. In history we are going to look back at the final days of this campaign and see not a Mccain who was graceful in the final days but rather a Mccain that ran one of the dirtiest and disgraceful campaign in history.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sarah Palin the role model?

anti palin Pictures, Images and Photos

Tonight in the debate Mccain called Sarah Palin a role model for women. Well speak for yourself John Mccain because she is no role model of mine. Merely picking Sarah Palin was a slap in women's faces. Not only was it merely political pandering but its an insult to our intelligence to suggest we would vote for someone who is so unqualified just because she is a women. John Mccain put politics before country by picking her. I do not know one person who with a straight face would suggest Sarah Palin is qualified to take on two wars and a financial crises. NONE. ZIP. Not only does she not have the experience to take on these issues but she does not have the intellect, which she proved on those two TV interviews. She is not a role model of mine when she allows herself to be used as a political prop which is to be seen but not heard. She is no role model of mine when she uses scapegoats such as the media using "gotcha" journalism to mix her up instead of being a strong women who takes responsibility for her own mistakes. She is no role model of mine when she thinks that someone should be forced to keep a pregnancy even if it resulted from incest and rape. Sarah Palin is no role model of mine when she supports abstinence only sexual education. She is certainly no role model of mine if she thinks that emergency contraception should be considered abortion. She is no role model of mine when she joins a ticket who does not support equal pay for women and says unequal pay is not the result of sexism but lack of education and training on the women's part. Just because she is a women does not make her a role model or a champion for women's rights. I am a feminist and am a big advocate for women and women's rights and John Mccain, do not patronize me with this absolute garbage of Sarah Palin being a "role model".

Tax Cuts

See for yourself the savings you would recieve under Obama's tax plan versus Mccain's.

Go to this website and use the tax calculator.

Have fun! I will recieve $1000 under Obama's plan and a big fat zero under Mccain's, why am I not suprised?